Yet another blog platform

The internet has given us plenty of megaphones to get our viewpoints heard, or to document our on-goings, from the many blog platforms, to a plethora of social media and new content sharing sites (a la Medium).

Recently, we have gravitated to the quick commentary-style places: Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, or Nextdoor. We love adding our two cents or rant about Karen.

Few of the currently popular places encourage prose, with Medium and in a way Mailchimp being the exceptions. The blogs from 10 years ago have gone stale, including my own. Almost twenty years, I had started hosting my own little website at When Blogger launched I created It has since evolved into a more of a travel picture log. I have occasionally written a blogpost for the company I work for. However, it does take some effort to write a nice blog entry.

That’s when I stumbled onto microblogs - quick updates of what’s going on. It is okay to add a picture or video here and there, or a few interesting links and podcasts. Most blog entries are less than 500 words, and don’t have all about a single theme. Medium seems too serious for that. Twitter is too limited and overwhelming.

Microblogs are not new. They are new to me. I never jumped onto the now-stranded Tumblr wagon. looked interesting. Then I discovered I like the markdown and dropbox driven approach, and the fact that I can write from any device in markdown.

I’ll continue to maintain, primarily with travel information. More serious topics will go to medium/@waffletchlgy. @waffletchnlgy remains rant-central (although I rarely rant). I uninstalled Instagram from my phone, so I don’t plan to post a lot of new pictures.

June 21, 2020

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Covid-19 sneaker punches The last day I worked in the RTI office was March 5th. I have been working from home ever since. In practice that meant I first set up shop in my