
A recent SFGate.com headline read HBOs The Undoing’ is the best show of the year - because you can’t binge it”.

It is true. Recently, I truly enjoyed watching Apple TVs Ted Lasso, Disney+ The Right Stuff, or Belgian’s VRT Undercover season 2. All demanded 90’s patience for the next episode to be released. The shows even included a short previously-on-section to refresh your mind after a week of fog.

I am conflicted though. I often watch a show while doing house chores. I put on my ironing-man suit and don’t mind a big basket of clothes, as long as I can watch an intriguing show. Having to wait for next week’s episode means a big drop in productivity.

Perhaps there is a way the streaming services can incentivizee us. Help a struggling student or donate to a charity cause, to continue streaming your favorite show. Cash is not accepted, only goodwill. You can accrue goodwill points” in your Binge-Piggy-Bank.

November 14, 2020

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