Backyard Crafts

I wonder how many people took up old-school crafts during this pandemic. Sure, we are well aware that Sourdough Loafs of San Francisco have their own Instagram account. However, we haven’t seen many botched backyard haircuts.

Nor did we get to admire a lot of experimentations in hair color.

Our son vowed to let his hair grow until he safely can visit a hair dresser. We are entering slowly into 70s style with his tick long hair with luscious large curls.

I am also letting it grow with a few touch ups along the way. My hair is clearly that of an aging new waver or grunge rocker with straight graying hair, just long enough to put behind his ear.

I have looked for a few tutorials on the basics of hair thinning or maintenance. I always end up on YouTube. Where is Coursera-for-Backyard-Crafts? I already have a curriculum lined up: hair cutting, bear trimming, bread making, sausage curing, cheese making, canning and fermenting.

I would make it a mix of videos and simple 1-2-3 instructions. Youtube is not a pleasant form to learn things, nor or long articles. When my hands are in the middle of kneading dough, I want something easy to read.

That’s it for now, as I head to a chair in the backyard for a quick trimming.

November 14, 2020

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