It’s hot in San Jose

I don’t do well with in hot weather. And here we are, amidst a heatwave with temperatures above 100F in San Jose.

We are all now working from home, amidst a pandemic. I live the true Silicon Valley dream, working from my garage. Sadly, our small house lacks air conditioning.

Is this what Arizona feels like all summer? Austin sounds a lot less interesting to me now, if this is what the weather is like for many months.

I remember vividly some of my worst experiences with hot weather.

There was that one where I melted in Arizona: While working at VLSI Technology, our company held a retreat mid-summer in Tempe, Arizona. When we arrived in Phoenix, it was a balmy 90+F. During the day, it was an entirely different story. I still remember the walk from our bungalow to the main conference building. I probably transpired a gallon. We walked from freezer-box to hell and back.

There was that one when I cooked in my own juices in San Luis, Argentina. One summer the temperatures in San Luis must have easily surpassed 105F (San Luis Climate) I recall suffering all day, trying to sleep a siesta in these hot temperatures. Life came about only after 10PM when the temperatures were more reasonable.

And then there is today. We normally enjoy a cooling in the evening, from over the Pacific Ocean. However due to circumstances, the temperature remains balmy all evening.

August 15, 2020

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