Don’t Mess With the Garvey Sisters

Although Apple TV+ has a more limited offering than other streaming services, the quality appears to be consistently high.

In the midst of the pandemic, it was Ted Lasso who made us smile and made us believe. The show put Apple TV+ on the map. The Morning Show was a strong second course. We became regulars with For All Mankind, Physical, Acapulco, and Surface. Most recently, we were awaiting the release of new weekly episodes of Slow Horses, the dark English spy series.

Yet, no show has elicited more reaction in our household as Bad Sisters. A recreation of the Flemish TV show, Clan, the show is about the Garvey sisters’ attempt to help their sister in her marriage to John Paul. We all felt a deep and growing hatred towards John Paul and wanted him to die, soon.

It is now common to hear my daughter shout out You mad bitch! or Hug me, you cow”. Yet, we are forbidden by my wife to call her Mammy”. Apparently, a second season of the Garvey sisters is on the way.

January 14, 2023

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