A Peaceful Election Night

For months, I have been following the political campaigns. Trump v Biden, Gideon v Collins, Graham, McConnell. I watched the debates. I read Nate Silver’s website. I watched Cuomo, Oliver, Buttigeig, Maddow, Tapper, sometimes even FoxNews. I donated and even joined a phone bank. Hi, how are you? Have you already decided who you will be voting for in the presidential election?” I commented on the Belgian coverage of the US elections. I commented on Twitter. I was in it.

But not today. Not tonight. All day, I didn’t log onto Twitter. I didn’t tune into any news channel. I didn’t listen to single political podcast. I asked my family not to discuss any politics at the dinner table.

The way I see it, tonight there are two options. Or Biden wins big, e.g., Florida. However this is is not likely if you read the polls leading up to today. Or it will be the beginning of a long drawn out count-recount-lawsuit-argument-counter-argument session. Tonight I didn’t care for any of that spectacle. I wanted peace and quiet.

If I could, I would go into hibernation for a week and resurface when the political jousting has settled. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards. So I wanted at least tonight to be calm and peaceful.

Goodnight my dear political wonks.

November 3, 2020

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The day after the evening of I was very successful avoiding any election night coverage. As a result, I fell asleep very swiftly. This morning, it is very hard to avoid any