Under the tree

This Christmas Santa brought T-shirts, pyjamas, a newspaper, and a homemade tool belt for the barbecue-chef, spices included. Our son gifted us a yearlong subscription to the New York Times — so we are no longer limited to 3 articles. Our daughter crafted a tool-belt for when I am outside tending the smoker. I love all the gifts.

Thinking about all this for a moment, I realize I am both quite content with all the things I already have. It must be very hard for my family to come up with gifts.

I also realize I start to appreciate the things associated with older age. Nice pyjamas, a cup of poor-over coffee, and a newspaper (even if it is in electronic format), and you can picture my weekend early mornings.

So, I went this morning on my regular 4 miles run in the neighborhood, and an afternoon hike up the Santa Cruz mountains.

Now, get off my lawn!

December 26, 2020

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