This Week in the World of Artificial Intelligence

Here are a few things I learned this week about the fast moving field of artificial intelligence.

The Future of Life Institute letter to pause giant AI experiments may have had a chance if it didn’t have the name Elon Musk attached to it. It is difficult to take him serious at this time.

… we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4. This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all key actors. If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.

AI-powered magic erasers galore: Canva and Google Photos (even without the new Pixel 8) both offer powerful magic erasers. We had to fire Phoebe … erase her from the company picture!” … That’s a nice picture of you in Hawaii, did you go alone? … no, it was our honeymoon but I erase him after the divorce.” … or Shaggy now has (doctered) photographic proof: It wasn’t me!”.

After listening to the last MFM podcast episode on Brainstorming ChatGPT Business Ideas With Billionaire Dharmesh Shah, I head over to and ( is still being transitioned over to Dharmesh, he mentioned.)

Thanks to AI, now we all can rap like Kanye West.

Adobe not to be outdone by DAL-E pitched Adobe Firefly. I started to experiment with DAL-E for images for my presentations. Firefly seems a bit more impressive to that goal. I added myself to the Beta list.

April 2, 2023

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This Week in the World of Artificial Intelligence Here are a few things I learned this week about the fast moving field of artificial intelligence. Lawyers are wakening up and entering unchartered