One of the most exhilarating times was attending the Curiosity Rover landing on Mars, at NASA Ames Moffett field, surrounded by astronauts, scientists, space geeks and enthusiasts. Similarly I felt like a little kid again when Space Shuttle Endeavour flew over the Bay Area as part of its thank you and farewell tour. We watched it a top of garbage mountain, overlooking NASA Ames Moffett field.
Needless to say I was all excitedly following the launch of Space-X DM-2 Dragon Endeavour a few months ago. I had been tuned into the events, part of the Launch America Virtual NASA Social.
Today, we came full circle and watched astronauts Bob and Doug splashdown near Pensacola. One of the best ways to watch these is to tune into Tim Dodd’s Everyday Astronaut Youtube channel. You still hear the Space-X commentary, but you also get the expert insight from Tim and his community.
Dragon Endeavour Splashdown
Space and engineering is cool.