Shed Shelves

The shed shelves which shelve the stuff you store on shed shelves.”, is my made up tongue twister. It is also my recent weekend project. Ever since we got a backyard shed, I wanted to put in some decent shelves. However, I am a total newby at woodworking. I may not even have the right tools for the job.

After spending a great amount of time on Youtube, I came up with a plan. I liked the shelves approach from Two Feet First.

To get started I did need the right tools. I bought a Kreg R3 Pocket Hole Jig System. I also learned how to use a gifted circular saw.

After a few trips to the local home improvement store, and some backyard sawing and drilling, I am pleased with the results. I built some serious shelves for our shed.

I did learn a few things along the way. If I would do it again, I would leverage more the side walls. I would also pay more attention to how straight the 2x4 lumber is.

Nevertheless, generally I worked out perfectly and I am very happy with the results.

November 22, 2020

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