He Forgot the Flux Capacitor
Tonight I watched the three part Netflix documentary on John Delorean’s life. Little did I know about the troubled rise and fall of Delorean. To me, Delorean means Back to the Future, and Back to the Future is the flux capacitor and the Delorean.
Watching the documentary, I recognize the fake-it-till-you-make-it attitude of the scrappy entrepeneur.
I am talking to several investors.
We are getting the money.
We got 30,000 firm order already.
It must have all looked familiar to Elon Musk. Tesla came oh so close to shutting down the production line in the midst of the model 3 development,
I also recognized the scammy embezzling entrepreneur, a la Elisabeth Holmes.
Somewhere through the last episode I was expecting the ultimate Back to the Future reference: “By now, John surely wished he could have set the Delorean to go back to 1955.”