Grande Diego

I rarely post these days on Facebook. When I do click on a post or a video, the Facebook algorithms roar to life: He clicked on something … send him more.

And that’s how I got to learn a different side of Diego Maradona. Not the side of the Hand of God, the cocaine, the excesses, nor the scandals. No. These were the videos of Diego, dad to Dalma and Gianinna. This was Diego being a friend of many in the street. Diego who was generous with his time.

For example, in 1984, while playing for Napoli, a friend of friend asked Maradona to arrange a friendly match to help a sick child. The Napoli owner refused to do it, as Lloyds of London only had insured Maradona for official games. So Maradona took everything in his hands and organized a match next to child’s house and 4000 paying fans came to watch it.

If you see the millions paying tribute to Diego in Buenos Aires after this death, it was not just because he brought home a world cup. It was also because people saw a common guy, from Villa Fiorito, who started with Los Cebollitas, and became their hero.

I also discovered Rodrigo Bueno’s, Mano De Dios

En una villa nació, fue deseo de Dios Crecer y sobrevivir a la humilde expresión Enfrentar la adversidad Con afán de ganarse a cada paso la vida

En un potrero forjó una zurda inmortal Con experiencia sedienta, ambición de llegar De cebollita soñaba jugar un mundial Y consagrarse en primera Tal vez jugando pudiera A su familia ayudar

En una villa nació, fue deseo de Dios Crecer y sobrevivir a la humilde expresión Enfrentar la adversidad Con afán de ganarse a cada paso la vida

En un potrero forjó una zurda inmortal Con experiencia sedienta, ambición de llegar De cebollita soñaba jugar un mundial Y consagrarse en primera Tal vez jugando pudiera A su familia ayudar

Al poco que debutó Marado, Marado La doce fue quien coreó Marado, Marado Su sueño tenía una estrella…

And then there is this emotional guitar and bandoneon version:

Grande Diego!

December 2, 2020

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