Gladwell, Stop the Fake Infomercials

On my run, I listened to the latest Revisionist History episode, Laundry Done Right. The topic was interesting, and I learned a few things. Wash cold with non-eco laundry pods. There is no need to rinse your dishes before you put them into the dishwashers, nor do you need to fill them up to be eco smart.

However, just like the Waemo episode, something is off. I got increasingly more irate as I heard you go all gushy about the virtues of the Proctor & Gamble products. I was thinking: he must have been paid for this. A mile further into my run: Did I miss the this is a paid advertisement, Pushin Industries does not endorse the content of this program.”

Luckily, I didn’t want to interrupt my run to fetch my phone and change podcasts or I would have missed the important disclosure at the final end that you were not paid by P&G. Please lead with that and repeat it often throughout this obvious love affair of Tide and Cascade.

What happened? You used to bring us and interesting topic, provide us different viewpoints, leading us to the conclusion that things aren’t as you thought they were. Revisionist History! Swish.

Telling us that you washed clothes warm and that the marketing pitch from P&G to wash cold when you use their newly formulated Tide for cold washes, is true, is hardly revisionist.

The take away from your Waemo love affair podcast should have been: don’t go on autopilot, even when you are a podcast god.

August 13, 2021

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