Argentina Campeon Mundial

Like an Argentine tango, this world cup final was an emotional rollercoaster in 5 parts. The final and penalty part resulted in a third star for Argentina and Lionel Messi got his world cup!

Winning a world cup any other way would not have been very Argentinean. It needed drama, tears, yelling and lots of singing. All of it played out in our living room this early morning. And surely our neighbors must have heard it too. I was waiting for the knock on the front door from SJPD any moment.

The Whatsapp messages, audios, and videos we are receiving from my in-laws in Buenos Aires, San Luis, and Mendoza are amazing. The country needed this more actually winning at soccer. This was so much more than a game.

And even though, it was still a soccer game. It was an amazing game. Traditionally world cup finals disappoint. They are boring with two teams playing not to lose. Not this time: this was the best world cup final ever!

Argentina came to win. They brought energy and great passing. Angel Di Maria was a brilliant move by Scaloni, on the left no less. The defense never let France’s TGV, Mbappe, leave the station. Messi and de Paul were commanded the attack. Julian was fighting for every ball in the front. Man of the match for me is a tie: Alexis McAllister and Dibu Martinez.

But, forget poetic descriptions of the game, its ups and downs, …

Argentina es Campeon del Mundo Carajo!!!

Muchaaaaaaachos, ahora nos volvimos a ilusionar …

December 18, 2022

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